Project E.N.U.F.F. Anti-Youth Violence Mental Health Black Wall Street Vendor “Sign-Up”
Join members of M.I.’s Black Wall Street Vendor family and Ms. Jennie L. Booker as they join the “Palms Up” virtual T.V. program every Tuesday in February starting 2/2/2021 @ 7 PM to help raise awareness of the need for comprehensive mental health resources to combat the ongoing youth violence in the community during the pandemic.
Be one of a limited number of vendors to show your support and to exclusively showcase your products & services during this one-month celebration of M.I. ‘s Project E.N.U.F.F. & McDonald’s, Black History “My mental health is” Public Service Anti-Youth Violence video campaign.
Now more than ever families & youth across America and most certainly in the District are mentally suffering in silence and statistically many more are hungry and challenged with depression. anxiety, & other unmanageable realities during this Covid-19 pandemic.
We’re dedicating the entire month of “”Black History”, February to our ongoing gun violence mental health awareness discussions among our youth, and to helping families to cope and to be conscious of their mental health and behavioral choices on the community level with our Project E.N.U.F.F’s. “My mental health is”… video messaging “McDonald’s gift card rewards” campaign. (make this a hyperlink to go over to the Youth program info. & rules.)
Project E.N.U.F.F. Anti-Youth Violence Mental Health Public Awareness Campaign
(1-year Anniversary schedule of events listed below.)
On Feb. 2nd, 2021 @ 7 PM: Project E.N.U.F.F.’s 1-year Black History/Black Wall Street celebration “kick-off” on “Palms Up” TV.
(“Live” streamed on social media weekly via Facebook)
- $25 non-refundable, reduced “Anniversary Rate” charged for all Vendor Registrations per weekly show. Five (5) vendor spots available per weekly show. Vendor in-person commercial is not to exceed 3 minutes. Vendor allowed one (1) in-studio model. (*Covid-19 restrictions apply.)
- Black Wall Street vendor products & services will be streamed “live” on the “Palms Up” virtual TV broadcast starting @ 7 PM every Tuesday in February, during Black History Month along with invited mental health guests & youth “subject matter” expert topics of discussion, presented on 2/2/2021, 2/9/2021, 2/16/2021, and the “Anniversary Show” on 2/23/2021. All vendor contact links will be placed on “Palms Up”, & Project E.N.U.F.F. social media & websites.
- “Palms Up” TV broadcast is dedicating the last Tuesday show of each month to youth violence awareness & Project E.N.U.F.F.’s invited “mental health” guests, youths, subject matter experts, and registered Black Wall Street Vendors, starting 3/2/2021 with “non-anniversary” Vendor registration fees charged at $40 per vendor.
- M.I.’s “Project E.N.U.F.F. “Black Wall Street” “on-air” vendor presentations will continue for 1 (one) year from the date of the campaign’s inception.
- Registered vendors have the option of advertising their products weekly “on-air”, during the “Palms Up” “livestream”
We respect your Covid-19 concerns and do observe all required social distancing, temperature monitoring, and mask-wearing protocols regarding in-studio interviews. You reserve the right to request to appear via zoom or to elect a telephone “call-in” option. Our focus remains the same in 2021. E.N.U.F.F. is Enough! We must address the mental health challenges, exposures, and lack of comprehensive mental wellness & supportive resources, if we as a city & nation are going to stop the violence and dangerous decision making exhibited by our youth. Thanks for supporting M.I.’s anti-youth violence initiatives
For more information call: 240-274-9436.